Money Matters Podcast

Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard 10 years on from her historic misogyny speech




Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard 10 years on from her historic misogyny speech

A decade on from an historic speech she delivered on misogyny, former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard tells Danni and Laura there has been progress but there’s still a lot more to be done. Now chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, she’s passionate about closing the gender pay gap and believes we’ll only see real change if more women take on leadership roles. With elections being held around the world, she urges women to get out and vote on issues like childcare and education.

Also on this episode, Danni and Laura discuss why the UK’s financial watchdog is cracking down on social media influencers talking about money and investing, as more people turn to them when making investment decisions.

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Danni Hewson
Laura Suter