
We think women need to talk more openly about money, because money really matters.

Money Matters

This policy is effective from 18 November 2022.

Like most websites, we use cookies. Cookies are text files we send to your browser and which are stored on your computer. We use cookies because they let us arrange website content for you more quickly, and let us track how you use the website. Cookies also allow us to improve website navigation, making it easier for you to use our product and services. The majority of cookies we use collect information anonymously, but they’ll occasionally collect personal information, including your IP address.

The cookies used by AJ Bell Money Matters:

  • Allow us to provide you with access to the secure area of the website or mobile app when you log in
  • Allow us to monitor your activities on our website and mobile app and the pages you visit
  • Allow us to track how you arrive at our website and whether you’ve visited us from making a search, clicking on an advert or using a link in an email we’ve sent
  • Allow us to obtain technical information about how you use our website, including the devices used and their geographical location.

Types of cookies used

Session cookies are stored on your device only for the duration of your visit to our website or mobile app. As soon as you close your browser or turn off your device or close the mobile app, session cookies are destroyed. As a security measure, your online session will terminate after a pre-determined period of inactivity and all session cookies will be destroyed. 

Persistent cookies remain on your device until they reach their expiry date (if applicable) or until you delete them. Once the cookie has expired or been deleted, it will be removed from your device. While a persistent cookie is on your device, it will be accessed each time you visit our website.

First party cookies are those set by AJ Bell, while third party cookies are authorised by us but set by a supplier we’ve appointed. Any third party cookies are only used for the purposes agreed with us. They’ll never be used by the third party for any other purpose.  
How we classify the cookies we use  
Essential cookies are necessary for you to use the website or mobile app, because they allow us to maintain your session on the website or mobile app after you’ve logged in to your account.  We’re unable to provide our service without these cookies.

Marketing cookies track how you arrived on the AJ Bell website – letting us track visitor trends and the sites they were on before arriving at our website.

Performance cookies, including those provided by Google analytics, track the number of visitors to our website and mobile app, how long they spend on the website/app, the pages they visit and the journeys they take moving around our website/app. These cookies also track the performance of pages, customers’ interaction with these and the options on them, and enable us to test different design and content on our web pages. They also track the effectiveness of emails we send and how customers use our website when they’ve clicked through from an email campaign.  
 Cookie Preferences

Web beacons

Some emails we send you, and some pages on our website, may contain electronic images known as web beacons. These allow us to track and assess the effectiveness of a particular campaign, and tell us whether or not you’ve opened a particular email.  If you don’t want to receive web beacons, you’ll need to disable HTML images or refuse HTML (select text only) emails via your email software.

How you can manage cookies

You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, so you can decide whether or not to accept it. You can find information about how to set your browser at the following websites: 

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Apple Safari

For details of the cookies we use, please see below. You can find more information about cookies at

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you visit, visit

To opt out of receiving targeted advertisements, visit or the DAA opt-out page or the EDAA opt-out page

Please note that if you choose not to accept cookies from us, you may experience difficulties using our website or mobile app.

Mobile app

We use a session cookie on our mobile app to allow us to maintain a session for you after you’ve logged in to the app.

Updates to this cookie policy

We’ll update this policy from time to time. You should regularly return to this page so you can review any changes we make, and see details of any new cookies we add. The effective date of this cookie policy will always be shown at the top of the page.

Website cookies

Cookie nameType of cookiePurpose

AJ Bell:

ASP.NET_SessionId, TRD_SESSID*,Cookie-agreed, sm_c, SSESS*, JSESSIONID

EssentialKeeps track of your session when logged in to our website and helps manage your cookie preferences


appspname, unm, sessionNonceCookie, commonAuthId,
deviceAuth, loginsource, getOtherOtp, lastOtp

EssentialHelps manage our sercure login process and store your authentication token when you are logged in

Raindrop service:


EssentialAllows you to stay signed in when using the Raindrop service


__stripe_mid, scfc, __stripe_sid,__stripe_orig_props, recent-views

EssentialWe partner with Stripe for online payments. This cookie allows Stripe to remember you, and process payments without storing your card information on its servers



EssentialAWS classic load balancer cookie which maps your session to the instance



EssentialDetermines whether or not JavaScript is enabled when you visit our site – allowing our site to perform efficiently


Drupal.visitor.profile, Drupal.visitor.ajb

EssentialStores our customer interface preferences


intercom-id-*, intercom-session-*

EssentialIdentification and session cookies from Intercom that are required to help deliver the live chat feature on our site



PerformanceHotjar cookies that let us track our customers activity on our site. Including the amount of times you visit, where you've come from and your duration on each page. Helps us understand how our platform is being used and improve to create better experiences for you. No personal identifiable information gets stored



PerformanceHubspot cookies that let us track our customers activity on our site. Including the amount of times you visit, where you've come from and your duration on each page. Helps us understand how our platform is being used and improve to create better experiences for you. No personal identifiable information gets stored

AB Tasty:

ABTasty, ABTastySession, ABTastyData, ABTastyUA, ABTastyGeoloc

PerformanceAB Tasty cookies let us carry out experiments on our website to improve its performance, better understand our customers and improve website satisfaction.

Google Optimise:

__utmx,__utmxx, _gaexp

PerformanceGoogle Optimize cookies that let us carry out experiments with website content and AB tests. Helps us better understand customer preferences and improve website satisfaction

Google Analytics:

__utm*, __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, _ga, _gat, __utmz, _ga_9GCBZMHS7D, _ga_NTMYRNSY0K, _gat_UA-XXXXXXXX-X, _gid, DV

PerformanceGoogle Analytics cookies that let us track our customers activity on our site. Including the amount of times you visit, where you've come from and your duration on each page. Helps us understand how our platform is being used and improve to create better experiences for you. No personal identifiable information gets stored

Google Tag Manager:


PerformanceGoogle Tag Manager cookie that supports Google Analytics on our site.



PerformanceLet's us implement Usabilla features to survey and gather feedback – helping us improve the customer experience on our site


OptanonAlertBoxClosed, OptanonConsent,
tp-b2b-current-language, tp-b2b-selected-business-unit-id,businessCookieConsent,,,,
ajs_anonymous_id, ajs_group_id, ajs_user_id, _hjid, _biz_nA, _biz_pendingA, _biz_uid, hubspotutk

PerformanceCookies used by Trustpilot to identify you, and allow you to leave reviews of our service


_ga_G8C0R44VCK, __utma,__utmc, __utmz, _gcl_au, _ga, ELOQUA, _uetvid, mid, _gid

PerformanceCookies from Morningstar that help power the pages on our site that use Morningstar data


__atuvc, __atssc

PerformanceCookies from AddThis social sharing widget, which is embedded to our site to enable you to share content with a range of networking and sharing platforms

Crazy egg:

is_returning, _ce.s, _ceir

PerformanceCookies from Crazy Egg that let us track whether a customer has visited our site before. Also track a recording visitor session unique ID, tracking host and start time

AJ Bell:


MarketingKeeps track of the traffic and application activity on our site of visitors who have navigated to us from our partner websites

Google and Bing:


MarketingCookies from Google and Bing which collect user info and preferences. Helps tailor online experiences and advertisement to you

Google Adsense:


MarketingUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services

Google Ads:


MarketingGoogle Ads cookies that let us gauge the performance of our ad campaigns on the web. Also helps us tailor our advertising to be more relevant for visitors of our site

Social Media:

_fbp, c_user , datr ,dpr ,fr ,sb ,spin ,wd ,xs,ads_prefs ,
auth_token, ct0, eu_cn, guest_id, mbox, muc, personalization_id, remember_checked_on, twid, AnalyticsSyncHistory, bcookie, lang, li_mc, li_sugr, liap, lidc, Lissc, lms_ads, lms_analytics, UserMatchHistory,_guid, Dnt,aam_uuid, AMCV_14215E3D5995C57C0A495C55%40AdobeOrg, gpv_pn, s_tslv

MarketingCookies from social media companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter that let us gauge the performance of our ad campaigns on the web. Also helps us tailor our advertising to be more relevant for visitors of our site


705-CT, 705-PV, C3UID, _drt_, id, DSID, IDE, RUL, __gads cookies that let us gauge the performance of our ad campaigns on the web. Also helps us tailor our advertising to be more relevant for visitors of our site. DoubleClick doesn't collect or store personal information



MarketingBloomreach cookies help us tailor our marketing to optimise our communication and to enhance the user experience

Mobile app cookies


Cookie nameType of cookiePurpose

AJ Bell:


EssentialKeeps track of your session when logged in to our app